Ace the Rhode Island Barbering Test 2024 – Snip, Style, and Shine Your Way to Success!

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Anaphoresis is a process that involves what?

A positive pole and an acidic product

A negative pole and an alkaline product

Anaphoresis is a process used in modern esthetics, a form of electrolysis used to introduce chemical products into tissues by means of electric current, which is usually galvanic in nature. In this process, the positive pole, placed on a specific area of the body, helps draw charged chemical products into the skin. These products then have a positive charge and are driven into the tissues by the negative pole. This makes option B the correct answer. With option A and D, the poles are not correctly matched and would not result in the desired chemical introduction. Option C is incorrect because the neutral pole does not facilitate the introduction of any products into the tissues.

A neutral pole and a neutral product

A positive pole and a neutral product


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